“Almitra Corey is a production designer that has left her mark on atmospheric thrillers like The Invitation (2015), eccentric comedy shows like Dave on FX, and artful dramas series like High Fidelity (2020) featuring Zoë Kravitz.”NINE NERD YARDS INTERVIEW “Its the biggest and baddest thing we’ve ever done in all 20 episodes of the show.”DAVE S2 INSIDE LOOK “ ‘It was me!’ said Almitra Corey, 40, who is currently working as the production designer for the final season of the Netflix show “GLOW.” (Filming was paused, as for all other Netflix shows, last Friday.)”NYT LOL “High Fidelity specifically, but in general also the shows I work on tend to be rooted in reality and realism. I want there to be a reason behind everything we put on the sets – as much as possible.”PUSHING PIXELS INTERVIEW “I can’t imagine we won’t have a second season.”AWARDS DAILY INTERVIEW “We were both on the same page, taking the same visual assumptions, which was really exciting. Now that I think about it, I can’t believe she hired me.”PDC INTERVIEW